Saturday, January 12, 2013

Nothing is as Rich as Honesty...


       Benjamin Disraeli, former Prime Minister of Great Britain in the 18 hundreds, once said “Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the Truth.” I really like this quote because to me the truth is your feelings. People lie and do such things related to that because we are human. It is in our nature to be that way and we are corrupted. We are both good and bad, we are easily influenced. But we can be taught and brought up with good values. We need to put them to practice which is the more difficult part in life.

       Our feelings are our one true pure thing on Earth. We feel love, hate, anger, sadness, joy, betrayal, agony and other feelings. What happens to us in our everyday only we know. What we feel is our own sentiment and nobody else’s and nobody has the right to tell another person what they should feel or think or say or do. People tend to do things in life because they want to prove something either to themselves or another person be it a relative or friend. We tend to want to prove to ourselves that we are not failures and we can do well and sometimes we make mistakes like previously mentioned many times.
       Sometimes when mistakes are made people try to fix them and this is how they try to prove themselves. They think: “Okay, if I can fix this problem I can fix anything and do anything on my own and all will be fine.” We can do things on our own don’t get me wrong, but we also can’t do everything and we need people in our lives who are supportive and will no judge when we do wrong. The good thing about being honest is you can tell people what you truly feel inside. You don’t have to be scared or bottle your feelings in anymore. You make a mistake okay, fix it, but get help and tell others how you feel because nobody can guess your thoughts and feelings for you.

       When your little you learn that honesty is always the best policy. Telling the truth is hard because for some of us it’s a way for us to feel weak when in fact it’s a way to be strong and healthy. When my close friends are feeling down I know when they are because it’s easy for me to tell due to maybe a word they say and how they reply me, or by an action they do or facial expression. I know when people are upset because I used to and still feel many things that my friends feel and we go through the same difficulties. So when my friends or someone I love is upset or feeling down I ask them to be honest to me. Communication is a two way thing. I can’t guess what they feel. Again, being honest doesn't make you weak, it makes you strong. 

       If you help me I can help you. You help me by telling the problem, and I’ll help you by fixing it with your help and not leaving you alone to do it.” 

       Tell that to someone you know who is having a problem in life. You need to be able to help yourself and help others around you. Being independent is not wrong but you can’t do everything alone. Lying and cheating is going to get you nowhere. Sometimes lying is a way to protect ourselves but unknowingly it damages us slowly. So be honest in everything you do whether it’s in your family, or friends, or with your girlfriend or boyfriend because by communicating and saying how you feel is how you will gain respect and grow stronger as a person with each day that comes.

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