Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013 and Off With a Bang!

       Honest to God this year has started off with a major bang...and not a good one as some may already know. And here I am trying to make a new blog and hopefully this one I'm able to maintain for more than 2 weeks ;)

       So today gonna make it a small and light post I guess and later shall start with the normal posts i'm hoping to put in. Anyway as most friends knows I went to Brazil over Christmas and New Year which was pretty fun since I lived there for 5 years but I had never gone up north to the beaches...and OMG was it hot, nice, but hot! So a couple pics to show the trip!

 Here is the beach with crystal clear water
 Me of course
 Me and my mum at the Blue Lagoon
 Sand buggy rides! Pretty intense btw
 Having a date with my mum :)
 Spent NYE here at the Turkish VIP Lounge (above and below)...nicest lounge ever in my opinion

       So basically that was my Christmas trip, now got all month to try to relax here at home and soon in February im going to Europe to visit the family ^^ Excited but yea its gonna be cold.
       Of course today is a rainy day, and i'm home cause I don't want to get wet. Tons to think about so hope this is a good post to start my new blogging days. I don't expect to be known or whatever, I just want a place where I can write what I feel and hope it helps someone out there. So wish me luck!

See ya soon ;)

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