Thursday, March 7, 2013

iFITNESS Magazine

       As some already know I did a photo shoot in January I think with Franz De Paris Group (FDP) and also Hagen Troy...For some reason the name of the magazine slipped my mind, yes i'm deaf ;) 

       Anyway today finally got a message from Angeline Tan who is the stylist and creative director of FDP that the issue had finally been released so I immediately went to every bookstore I could find to search for it. Finally I found it at Bugis Junction and bought 2 copies cause I was so excited.

       The shoot as mentioned before in a previous post was so much fun. Got to meet Hagen Troy which was really great cause he was so nice and to me hes really talented; and Angeline was just the sweetest person ever and they really make you feel welcomed.

       The magazine is iFitness and I just read it and it's really great. Everything from lifestyle to fitness to health and grooming, great interviews. And it's only $5 and you can buy at Popular, Times, Kinokuniya Bugis, CityHall MPH, or any newstand.

And here are the pics ^^

Hagen Troy Cover

Hagen Troy ambassador for FDP Group

My spread in iFitness...most people dont know its me...*sigh

Thanks Hagen and Franz De Paris...was a great time!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

You do...for love

“Here's my philosophy on dating. It's important to have somebody that can make you laugh, somebody you can trust, and somebody that, y'know, turns you on... And it's really, really important that these three people don't know each other.”

       By the way that phrase was taken from One Tree Hill, this awesome show I used to watch and of course this cheerleader who loved to hook up said it. I just thought it was funny so trust me when I say that is NOT my philosophy on dating...keep on reading and you find out about my philosophy ;)

       Finally we reach the topic of love. Well this will be fun. Over the years I have seen relationships come and go. Sometimes relationships are pretty, some can be ugly. Depends on the couple I guess. Many people have come up to me to try and hook them up with friends, and sometimes it actually worked out.

       Don’t just date because you are the only single person in your group of friends. That’s being desperate and afraid of what others might say. An ex friend of mine dated my friend because out of all of us he was the only one who had never kissed a girl. He was so desperate than he turned dating into a competition with all of us. I was dating my ex at the time, and everything I did with her he tried to do it better. Don’t let be people like that be around you because love is something magical, its not a competition.

       I try to help relationships even though mine of 1 year and 4 months didn't work out quite well because of distance issues. But being there for a friend when he or she is dating is essential. They will eventually go through tough times and they will need someone to talk to. The fun stages of dating is when you or your friend is starting to like a person and you just go on and on about what you like about him or her. And finally when you and your special someone are together you text and call all the time, you go out. And the best part is not showing of yourselves to everyone, that's not important. What's important is that you realize how special that person can make you feel when nobody else can. How much love you can give to someone knowing that they will return that same love to you and more. To wake up each day and see that person and realize that you are going to be together and have a happy life. 

       You will soon find that special someone. It could be today, tomorrow, next month, maybe even a couple years from now. Don't search for love because then you will try and try with different people and maybe get your heart broken too many times. Meet someone and find out what is it that makes them smile, that makes them laugh, and that makes them cry. That is dating. Its important that you find someone who makes you laugh and makes you smile but most of all makes you feel alive and loved.

       Be the person they hope to love. Love isn't a game. It’s a serious issue. Breaking a person’s heart is tragic. I see each day people playing around and hooking up and maybe to one of them its just all fun and hormones but for the other it turns out to be more than that. That's when people get hurt. Treat others with respect, and don't hook up with people you know others care about just out of spite and vengeance cause it shows everyone who you truly are.

       So be that special someone. There is a person looking for you this very moment. So find them because they need you as much as you. Be brave, be bold, be spontaneous, be kind, be funny, be loving, be a friend, be special, be emotional, be yourself, and find love.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Euro Trip 2013

       So i'm finally back from Europe, been a day already and trying to get used to the heat here in Singapore. Work in progress ;)

       Things are okay here for me, hard to get back to the old routine but will be back to normal soon. Last night went out with friends for dinner which was really great I gotta admit...and I got to see my Kiddo finally after 2 long weeks away. Stopped by Kiddos place earlier before dinner to give my presents I got from Spain and felt good to see that smile on his face and his moms. 

       Well...Europe was better this time than all the other times because my spanish was well, excellent! I was quite surprised as well since I haven't used it in years technically. First stop was Lisbon and it was freezing there but was the best time with my family. And got to roam around downtown and see all the sites I haven't seen yet like the Cristo Rei and the Santa Justa Elevator which actually was pretty scary since I don't do well with high open places :) 

       When it was time to go to Spain we ended up going by bus...a very long 12 hour bus ride. It was hell. There was this middle aged lady from Portugal up front who would not shut up at all! Even the Spanish girls in the bus kept yelling at her to be quiet...but finally reached La Coruna with my uncle and cousin Lore waiting for me and Spain was amazing. It wasn't that cold so was easy to go out each day no problem.

       The first Friday night in Spain was quite wild. I have 3 cousins there all siblings, Janis, Lorena and Jairo, so that night we went out clubbing just me, my sister, Janis and her husband, and Lore and her boyfriend Marcos. Omg it was intense. First thing about Spaniards is that our alcohol is stronger than other countries and second is that they can really hold it in for a while. In Singapore it's not as strong so I can drink quite a bit and still be alright. There it's a totally different story. So we ended up going to this one bar and had tons of shots or as they say Chupitos. 

       So how you do is you pour in the drink the bartender gives up and then a bit of 7Up and with a tiny piece of tin foil they give you, you place on top and hold it down and knock it up and down against the table to mix it. Then you drink! And we drank a lot but ended up fine. Later we went to Club Moom which is quite the famous spot in Summer for all the Spanish celebs, and we danced and drank also. I had 2 vodka lime which is like 10x the size of one in singapore...Turns out was too much for me and 3am I was passed out in my cousins car till I reached home at 6:30 haha. Thank God for Lore and Marcos who looked after me.

       Also got to hang out with my second cousin Maria and shes so much fun to be with and we went all over the city to the best places to chill and drink. Surprisingly I found out her ex used to be the Portuguese soccer player Nelson Oliveira and now her boyfriend is Diogo Salomao of Deportivo La Coruna...also got to meet Pizzi's dad!! Who was super super nice to us.

       Overall was a great time and can't wait to go back. And now some pics from the trip ;) 

My aunt and I at Cristo Rei



Santa Justa Elevator

In the caves

During Chinese New Year

La Coruna, Galicia

Club Moom with Lorena


Vodka Lime at Club Moom and Club Soho Bar

Me and Maria at Bitacora

Finally back to you...missed you

Oh yea forgot to mention I got inked on my real pain at all, just a prick actually but 10 great minutes ^^

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lisbon 2013

        Finally got time to write a bit while I'm here. 

       So I'm at my aunt's house here in Lisbon. I arrived Thursday afternoon after a super long flight. Arrive in Doha, Qatar and while we were on the plane there was a technical problem so after an hr sitting down we all had to go back to the terminal and wait 6 hours before we could fly. It was the longest wait ever. Finally arrived in London and I swear we ran so fast to catch our flight. Super lucky ^^

       Here it is super cold, there are no words to describe it. During the day it's ok all you need really is a jacket and a sweater cause the sun gets quite hot but still there is wind. Yesterday we got to go walk around a bit and see one part of the city and had to buy my bus ticket to Spain, so next Wednesday gonna take a 12 hour bus ride to see my grandma in Spain. What fun... -_-

       Later today going to this street market close to my aunts house that sells all sorts of stuff such as clothes, bags, shoes, I get to buy all the snacks I used to love when I was little :) So right now I'm a happy boy. Missing home so much and of course my Kiddo, but I know I'll be home soon. 

       Well I'll keep you all updated with my instagram pics and on facebook! 
Have a Happy Chinese New Year!

Some pics of the trip so far:

 Qatar Airlines in Doha

 Waiting for my delayed flight in Doha...

 Dinner at home at last ^^

 Day 1 in Lisbon

 Me and my grandma <3

 Food from Portugal: Fish, Bacalhau, Pastel de Nata

 Driving around town :P

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hola Europa ;)

       Well i'm all packed and ready to go to Europe!

       Usually my family sends me there for a month each year to visit my relatives since it's hard to see them due to the fact that I move a lot thanks to my parents job. Sometimes they get to visit me wherever we are but it's not the same. I like to go to there cause I can see my grandparents and my cousins, aunt, and uncle. Also my extended family which amazingly i'm also quite close to.

       This time I'm going sorta to say bye I guess. My grandma on my dads side is old and we are not sure when we will see her again so this will be a good time to spend with her. And gonna be fun cause might get a little permanent present on myself there with my cousin Lorena ;)

       Anywho...I'm leaving tomorrow for my 2 weeks there. Stopping by in Doha, Qatar, then London for transit. Stay in Lisbon, Portugal for a week with my family there and then a 12hr bus ride to La Coruna, Spain for another week. Later taking a 3hr train ride to Vigo with my sister and meeting my mom for a night there since she is going for work so i'm only seeing her on the flight there and the flight back. Then we stop in Madrid for transit and make our way back home to Singapore.

       I really didn't want to go cause it was a surprise trip and I hate not knowing these things. It's gonna be fun but I really just want to be here this month with my Kiddo. 

       Gonna miss you okay, no matter where you are I'll miss you and love you. 
       And i'll be back soon I promise.

See you all when I return ;) Happy Holidays and Happy Valentines Day <3

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Are You Really on the Inside? Or Just Playing it From the Outside?


       Welcome to the New Year everyone, where Singaporeans who flew north for the cold and south for the sun now return to the famous city of the good and high life. Many returning to school; and many enjoying the sun a little longer than they should. Parties have started and may I say so has the drama which isn't such a secret as most think since it’s made public every single weekend and day. The year's scarcely turned and already the secrets have begun. Where will it end this time? The new year isn't about what happened, it's about what's to come. But less on that… Movies always portray the glamorous life and goods we can only dream of. For some people it is reality to be born with a silver spoon while for others it is simply just a fairy tale. But spoiled brats don’t just happen, sometimes there made.

       Everyone dreams of being successful or well known in life, but most of all above everything else happy. Well you would think they would want to be happy. Nowadays it puzzles me. Nobody is happy; they just want that amazing life where they get what they want; where just a flash of their credit card or saying someone’s name will open any door in your life. Admit it. All people want now is to be on the inside. I used to want that yeah, who doesn't  I enjoyed the good life for as long as I could but realized I could find my own happiness without having to force it to happen in my life.

       Having people know my name and get things for free felt like everything, but it only made me realize that I was some narcissistic materialistic and shallow person. I’m me. I’m not changing who I am for anything. And if I do it’s for the best not the fake and the worst. I left that lifestyle and found my happiness and I couldn't be happier. Social media seems to be everything now and people use it to confess to their loves or crushes, or spill their ‘friends’ secrets, or get revenge.  And these days there is a lot of this revenge and drama stirring around. 

       Seriously? This is the 21st century people, it’s 2013. You are no longer little kids who are going around trying to get back at crushes who forget you or friends who leave you or trick you. Act like an adult because when you grow up and are working and trying to support yourself in life all these games and drama will not get you anywhere. Only bring you down and leave you in an alley all alone with no friends.  Clubbing is fun yes I can totally admit to that but if you say to everyone that it’s something you don’t want to do anymore and you want to focus on your studies then do it! Live your life to the fullest; go out with friends; be honest. Don’t just be all talk and no action and say you want to change when actually you are just going to run back to your old life of play pretend. Everyone talks about changing their lives for the best but it didn't take much time for some to dirty up their clean slates.

       When you are on the inside nobody cares about you. They care about your social status and your money and your connections. When you are on the outside you have a chance to make genuine friends and live a drama free live and just learn to appreciate the little things and moments that appear. And you have a chance to let love appear in your life. You can’t force love to happen. And dating someone for a couple of hours or days doesn't mean you were in a relationship nor had love. You had a fling that’s all. It cannot be something you plan. It comes to you like an answered prayer. I wasn't looking for it and it just found me. I’m happy with my life now. Drama free, I have my very small group of friends but at least they are real with no masks on. And I have the love of my life to guide me and support me and love me each day.  

       Just be careful walking down the primrose path. You may find hell instead of happily ever after. One thing about being on the top of the world, it gives you a long, long way to fall. 

                 So be happy with your life and do what is right.
                                 Find yourself a great place…
                                          On the outside ;)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Nineteen Minutes

“The most terrible poverty is loneliness,
and the feeling of being unloved.”

       When you don’t fit in, you become super human. You can hear a whisper about you from a mile away. You can disappear, even when it looks like you’re still standing right there. You can scream and nobody hears a sound. You are the thing that used to be normal, but that was so long ago, you can’t even remember what it was like. You can feel people staring; it’s like heat that rises from the pavement during summer, like a poker in the small of your back. You don’t have to hear a whisper, either, to know that it’s all about you.

       I used to stand in front of the mirror in the bathroom to see what they were staring at. I wanted to know what made their heads turn, what it was about me that was so incredibly different. At first I couldn't tell. I mean, I was just me. Then one day, when I looked in the mirror, I understood. I looked into my own eyes and I hated myself maybe as much as all of them did. That was the day I started to believe they might be right. 

       Ask a random kid today if he or she wants to be popular and they’ll tell you no, even if the truth is they do. See, you can’t admit to wanting it because the truth makes you less cool. To be truly popular, it has to look like it’s something you are, when in reality, it’s what you make yourself. I wonder if anyone works any harder at anything than kids do at being popular. So how do you crack that inner sanctum? Well, here’s a catch: it’s not up to you. What’s important is what everyone else thinks of how you dress, what you eat, what music you listen to.

       I've always sort of wondered, though. If everyone else’s opinion is what matters, than do you really have one of your own? It would be one thing to be a loser if it meant no one paid attention to you, but in school, it means you’re actively sought out. There’s a word you lean in Social Studies: schadenfreude  It’s when you enjoy watching someone else suffer. The real question though, is why? I think part of it is just self-preservation. And part of it is because a group always feels more like a group when it’s banded together against an enemy. It doesn't matter if that enemy has never done anything to hurt you-you just have to pretend you hate someone even more than you hate yourself. You become lonely.

       Being alone is the worst place to be. Loneliness can overcome you at any time. One day your positive and everything in life seems to be perfectly fine. Then all of a sudden, that wave crashes over you and you are lost.

       Everyone enters this state of depression at least once in your life. I mean, you can’t be happy 24/7. Can you? For me it was for about 4 years. Depression is the worst thing ever. You don’t do anything. You become lifeless, but it's true loneliness that makes you feel sad. You feel like nobody likes you, like nobody loves you anymore. And all you want to do is cry.

       Well it’s not true. People love you out there. People truly care about you, but they just haven’t shown it yet. That is their biggest mistake in life. We are afraid to tell people how we really feel. We are afraid to care for others because we think that we will let them down. That whatever we say to them will be spread out to everyone like a virus and they will judge us for our secrets. What’s the problem with telling a friend that you are here for them? That if they have a problem or just need to talk that you are here to talk, to be supportive? Why is that so hard? All we need is one friend. That’s it. All we need to do is be there and not distant from them. 

       Don’t judge yourself or anyone else. Nobody knows what you are going through except you. All we can hope for is that someone can at least relate to the problem you are going through and give you advice. To hug you and tell you everything will be all right; to grab a coffee with you and just hang out; to talk to you when you don’t feel like talking.

       All you need is that one person to be able to talk to. The person that would always ask you how you are feeling, how was your day or week. The person that you know you can call at any time of the day or the night and say what you need to say without them judging you. I used to have that friend. She’s gone now. But even with her gone I still can talk to her just because we live far away from each other. And I know I have people around me that care and love me. I know I can call them whenever and they will be by my side at any second.

       If you are going through a hard time in life, pick up the phone right now and call your friend. Call that person who you know you can say anything to and who won’t judge you or talk bad about you and tell them what’s happening to you. Don’t waste this opportunity to build a closer relationship with your friend. Let them help you. Don’t waste it, embrace it.

      Just breathe, be brave, and call…what is the worst that can happen? Remember, a real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out on you. Who will be there for you when he’d rather be somewhere else.

My question is: Do we ever really know someone?
 And who, if anyone, has the right to judge someone else?